T Return to Highmountain|QID|48079|M|68.79,71.14|Z|ThunderTotem|N|To Mayla Highmountain.|Ī Dark Tales|QID|41884|PRE|48079|M|68.42,72.91|Z|ThunderTotem|N|From Spiritwalker Graysky.|į Riverbend|ACTIVE|41884|M|38.51,69.10|Z|Highmountain|N|Fly to Riverbend to meet up with Spiritwalker Graysky.| T Dark Forces|QID|49756|Z|Thunder Bluff|N|To Baine Bloodhoof, who is beside you.|Ī Return to Highmountain|QID|48079|PRE|49756|Z|Thunder Bluff|N|From Baine Bloodhoof, who is beside you.|į Thunder Totem|ACTIVE|48079|N|Make your way to the bottom floor of Thunder Totem, by the pool of vision.| T Shadow Over Thunder Bluff|QID|48067|Z|Thunder Bluff|N|To Baine Bloodhoof, who is beside you.|Ī Dark Forces|QID|49756|PRE|48067|Z|Thunder Bluff|N|From Baine Bloodhoof, who is beside you.|Ĭ Dark Forces|QID|49756|M|40.58,60.76|Z|Thunder Bluff|QO|1|N|Qy’telek is on the first floor by the pond.|T|Qy’telek| This is an instanced Thunder Bluff with no AH, Mailboxes or Bank. N You have chosen|AVAILABLE|49787^49698|N|Get the next quest from Lady Liadrin or Blaine|į Thunder Bluff|ACTIVE|48066|N|Get to Thunder Bluff by portal or flight or Blimp. N Allied Races: Allied Races: Highmountain Tauren|ACTIVE|50242|ACH|12245 |N|No Highmountain Tauren for you!\nYou need to be Exalted with Highmountain Tribe and completed \nComplete with right click.|Ĭ A Choice of with Baine about the Highmountain tauren|Ĭ A Choice of with Liadrin about the Nightborne| N Allied Races: Allied Races: Nightborne|ACTIVE|50242|ACH|12446 |N|No Nightborne for you!\nYou need to be Exalted with Nightfallen and completed \nComplete with right click.| T The Call for Allies|QID|49930|M|37.78,81.13|N|To Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, in the new embassy.|Ī A Choice of Allies|QID|50242|PRE|49930|M|37.78,81.13|N|From Lady Sylvanas Windrunner|

WoWPro:GuideQuestTriggers(guide, 49930, 50242)Ī The Call for Allies|QID|49930|N|Autoaccept when you buy Battle for Azeroth| WoWPro.Achievements:GuideMisc(guide, “Allied Races Unlock”, “Reputation”, “Legion”) Local guide = WoWPro:RegisterGuide(‘Ludo_AlliesH’, ‘Achievements’, ‘Ludo’, ‘Horde’) If you’d rather just leave a comment with any mistakes you find in them, someone else can add the changes to the file at a later time. Make sure you record your changes in the change log!

If you feel comfortable editing guide files, feel free to fix bugs on this page.

All Legion Allied Races Starter Guides are here, since they are so small.